National Trends and Services
The National Trends and Services Facet strives to eliminate disparities by reducing barriers through advocacy, education, and services in our community. We work to implement sustainable and measurable programs; increase collaborative partnerships; and extend our initiatives to include communities identified as having the greatest need. Below are initiatives we have recently implemented consisting of programs that have served as a catalyst for change promoting individual and community empowerment.
Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope while demonstrating the love of God. Its vision is to create a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Our chapter with the help of our youth group (SWAG) supported the Habitat for Humanity Plano Restore by building furniture as well as cleaning and sorting donations to prepare them for those in need of items to help make their house a home.
Financial Literacy is about helping people make better financial decisions by equipping them with skills and insight to manage their personal finances; helping them understand the importance of retirement planning; and for those who wish to become entrepreneurs, teaching them strategies for a healthy and successful business. Our chapter held a financial literacy summit where topics such as managing a checking and savings account, the importance of maintaining a good credit report; strategies for a healthy business and financial planning for future goals.
Human Trafficking ravages communities across our nation and around the world. In the United States, human trafficking generates more $9.5 billion annually. Human trafficking affects men, women, boys, and girls. Sadly, women and girls of color are disproportionately at risk. To address this issue in our community our chapter partnered with the organization Trafficking 911 to teach our youth group (SWAG) and their parents what human trafficking is and shared with them the obvious as well as the hidden details of how to recognize human trafficking, the perpetrators and their hiding places.
The Black Lives Matter Movement focuses on developing solutions, providing education and creating awareness of the challenges affecting young African Americans relative to police action and the criminal justice system. Our chapter held a Black Lives Matter Forum in the Plano community to educate our youth and discuss with attorneys, judges, policemen in the community the issues that continue to plague young African Americans. We must continue to inspire our communities to become informed conscientious voters; get to know our elected and appointed local and federal officials and educate our youth on how to respond when they are stopped by police officers.
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